A recent blog on The Lingerie Post got me thinking about the history of lingerie, especially its roles in society. While “In Defense of the Slip” defends the use of the slip in today’s society, I think this fashion trend has become quite outdated. Yes, women still wear dresses, and yes, some do wear slips under them. However, I’ve been wearing dresses my whole life, and not since I was eight have I put a slip on. None of the examples used in the blog made me rethink my decision either. Jean Harlow? Elizabeth Taylor? These are beautiful women that made quite an impression in the 1930s and ‘50s, but their use of slips doesn’t exactly encourage me to run out and buy one.
For me, slips remind me too much of my mother and her lingerie-according-to-Emily-Post-type thinking. My mother always told me it was inappropriate to wear a skirt or dress without a slip. Because I never got a straight answer whenever I questioned this “rule”, the idea of being “inappropriate” prevailed. My desire to rebel and the fact that I come from a generation where few people care about being appropriate anymore — and even fewer know the name Emily Post — deterred me from wearing slips under my clothes. In fact, I see women wearing just slips in public these days, and not much more. While I could never go that far, I do enjoy feeling dresses against my skin. It makes me feel free, sexy and a bit more rebellious, especially if I’m wearing a fancy bra and thong set. Of course, my mother never understood why anyone would wear a thong either. But that’s a whole different discussion.
What’s your opinion? Do you defend or not defend slips?
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