iPhones really do have everything! While I don't have one myself, I've caught many glimpses of my friends' while they whip theirs out to look up subway schedules or restaurants we want to go to or even tickets to concerts we want to purchase. Of course, they can be used for pretty much anything these days, but I'd never thought I'd say they now even have a bra sizing guide. While Gigi's Closet offers their own bra-fitting guide, this is another good source for finding your right bra size — in case you're ever in a bra-fitting crunch.

The new Bra-Fitter app gives you instructions on how to measure yourself, then takes your measurements and offers various bra size suggestions that correlate with them. As if that wasn't enough, it even allows you to convert your size to various countries' standards. And it offers images of how a decent fitting bra should look. All I can say to that is: What will they think of next?
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